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Is Green Tea Really That Good For You?

Is Green Tea Really That Good For You?

Yes, after water, Green Tea is the healthiest beverage in the world. If you're looking to slow down the effects of aging then it could just be the healthiest. Green tea has been found to provide numerous health benefits, backed by scientific research. Some of the most notable benefits include: Antioxidant properties: Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins, which help to neutralize free radicals and protect the body from damage caused by oxidative stress. Improved brain function: Green tea contains caffeine and L-theanine, which have been shown to improve cognitive function and mood. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: Drinking...

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Fasting With Green Tea - Top 3 Ways To Lose Weight

Fasting With Green Tea - Top 3 Ways To Lose Weight

How Will Green Tea Help Me Lose Weight? Yes. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins that boost metabolism and burn fat (1). The most important of these is epigallocatechin gallate, EGCG, a substance that can boost your metabolic rate and makes it a powerful ally when trying to lose weight.  These unique polyphenols from Green Tea are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream and body tissues more readily, meaning they can reach the liver directly to affect energy metabolism in a way that promotes weight loss. Unlike other caffeinated drinks like coffee, it’s the unique combination of Green Tea...

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Fighting Fat With Black Tea

Fighting Fat With Black Tea

Green Tea has long been heralded for its' fat fighting powers, however over the past decade, black tea polyphenols have been studied for their anti-obesity effects, and there is increasing evidence to demonstrate that black tea polyphenols have a significant effect on preventing obesity and can help fight unwanted pounds. Why is black tea good for weight loss? When tea leaves incubated to ferment, the polyphenol oxidase converts the original polyphenols (found in un-fermented green tea) to a number of other natural compounds such as theaflavins, theaflagallins and thearubigens. These unique black tea polyphenols have excellent anti-obesity activity, interfering with multiple...

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How To Brew The Best Cuppa Tea

How To Brew The Best Cuppa Tea

If you're serious about getting the most out of your tea, you will want to learn how to brew a proper cup of tea, and especially if you're looking for health and environmentally-responsible solutions. Escape weak mugs of hot, brownish water by learning how to brew tea correctly, and instead enjoy something delicious and exhilarating.   Best Practices From water temperature to infusion time, here are a few of our not-so-secret recommendations. 1. Use a premium quality loose leaf or herbal tea Many people get their first taste of tea via teabags. They're quick, simple and available at any local supermarket....

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